Tuesday, February 5, 2008


The 20A Road Community has not been much help finding things lately. But, there's no need to panic as the staff here at 20A Today is sure that everything and everybody will eventually turn up.

Merle's Wallet:
Merle reported it missing last November. He lost it while he was canoeing in the Tippecanoe River.

Edith Masterson's Cows: Last week Edith reported 3 cows missing. Edith now claims that at least 5 cows are gone. Local police believe that Edith never had an accurate count of the size of her herd, and believe she is mistaken.

Claude and Puffy: These two dogs have been missing for three weeks now. Claude is (was) one big poodle, and Puffy is (was) one big sheep dog.

Delmer Rudd: Delmer was last seen Friday heading south in his wheelchair on Sage Road near the intersection with 20A Road. This is the longest that Delmer has ever been missing. He might just make Florida this time. Go Delmer!

Contact 20A Today with information on any of the items on today's "Still Missing Update."

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